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Without Cause
An Interview with Rebecca Kastl
When I first read Rebecca Kastl's story in the Phoenix New Times (A
Privates Matter), I was outraged that an institution of higher
learning would send the message to its students that discrimination is OK.
But once you dig deeper into the story, you realize that it's not just the
community college at fault here. Our entire society is implicated in
a system of rigid gender dichotomies that punishes people who color
outside of the lines.
Rebecca Kastl was formerly a professor at Estrella Mountain Community
College. She lost her job in December of 2001; Rebecca is
transgendered and the college fired her because she refused to submit to a
genital check. What's worse is that the ACLU, the EEOC and the State
Attorney General's office have all stated that Ms. Kastl doesn't have a
case. But if this isn't a clear-cut case of job discrimination, then
I don't know what is.
I am speaking about is the manner and significance we assign to sex and
gender roles in society, and all the desperation that is exercised to hang
onto those roles at all costs. This type of rigid adherence to
seemingly distinct gender roles is not constrained to the conservative
religious right crowd, although they would appear to be the ones with the
most desperate hold on the concepts (not to mention they are frequently
the most hypocritical in their opposition). It permeates across all
aspects of society, including into the gay community, feminism,
chauvinism, and anyone else that hasn't had to face questions about their
gender in an unblinking and head-on manner." (Rebecca Kastl,
"It's All In Our Heads," The TG
Harmony Newletter. June 2002. P.4)
Here is the conversation that I've had with Ms. Kastl regarding her case:
Leslie Feinberg talks about the troubles of language and says that sie is
pronoun challenged. When referring to yourself in the third person, which
pronouns do you prefer?
Kastl: I use and prefer female pronouns. I've never been mistaken for being male
-- at least not since my transition. Hearing myself referred to by male
pronouns bothers me quite a bit as it almost seems to be an affront to me.
I understand that those who know me the closest and the longest will
occasionally slip with their pronoun usage, and that's fine. It's when
someone does it intentionally that it almost seems as a directed insult.
Fortunately, it rarely ever happens.
GS: Give us a brief background of your case. What led up to your
termination? Was there any indication from EMCC before you received the
letter on October 5, 2001 that school officials would force you to submit
to such discriminatory requirements?
was contacted by Betty Vickerey (the CIS department chair) on Oct. 5th.
She said something to the effect of "I just found out about something
that I think is kind of funny; at least I think it's funny, you may
not." Then she went on to inform me of the new policy change by the
district. I immediately voiced my displeasure and let her know that I did
not think this was being funny in the least. I immediately contacted the
dean (Dr. Bryan Tippett) to discuss the issue with him. We discussed the
whole issue at length.
Apparently, the impetus for the decision was that a parent with a minor
child attending the campus voiced objections to a transgendered faculty
member using the women's restroom. Ironically, they were referring to
another transgendered faculty member, not myself. Lastly, according to
unconfirmed rumors, the objections were religiously based.
It wasn't until the 5th of Dec. that I was fired. Up until that time, I
continued to teach, continued to refuse to consent to a genital check, and
continued to use the women's restroom. Actually, the predecessor to my
termination was receiving a paycheck for $0.00. The next day is when I
received my termination notice via e-mail (the one posted on my site). Up
to the point where they informed me of the policy decision, I had never
had a problem with anyone on campus. In fact, I was making great strides
in education and understanding by simply being a "normal"
GS: Why did the ACLU decline to take your case? This seems like
something that would be right up their alley.
RK: Essentially,
the ACLU told me that they were not interested in taking the case because
it didn't "affect a great number of people" and involved
"complex legal and factual issues." It was suggested to me to
contact the Gay and Lesbian division of the ACLU as they are usually much
more sympathetic to these types of cases. I will be doing that shortly.
GS: Why did the state Attorney General's office decline to look into the
RK: The
State AG's office doesn't feel that I have a claim. According to their
analysis, I am not protected by the Constitution of the U.S. or the State
of AZ. I say this because I specifically raised issues of "due
process" which would preempt any classification interpretations for
Title VII. Their response was that I was "out of their
GS: Why did the EEOC refuse to hear your case? How long do you have to appeal
the decision?
RK: The
EEOC did not provide a reason.
I have until mid-August to file a case. I am hesitant to move forward
without adequate legal representation, although not entirely averse. My
main concern is that since I work out of state (because I can't find
employment in the Phoenix area) that I will put my job in jeopardy by
trying to pursue a case with court dates that may conflict with my job.
GS: Have
you considered filing a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
If you have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, would that technically
qualify as a disability? Do you see any drawbacks to trying the case on
the grounds of disability vs. gender?
RK: No.
There are a number of transsexuals who have done this, and some have even
been successful. I refuse to do this on idealistic principles. I will not
claim that I have a "disability" when I in fact don't. I am
perfectly capable of working and carrying myself in the world the same as
anyone else. Personally, I also feel that this is somewhat of an insult to
people who have a legitimate disability.
GS: Have
you been able to find an attorney to take the case to federal court?
have spoken with several attorneys. So far, none have been willing to take
my case.
GS: What can we as students, faculty, peers, feminists and/or queer activists
do to help you in your fight against EMCC?
RK: Good
question. In general, I think the biggest step that any of us can make is
to educate and help people understand the reality of what is being dealt
with here.
The county has already demonstrated a stubbornness that defies common
sense and decency. Short of pressuring state politicians and letting them
know that there are people in their constituencies who are concerned about
these issues (issues pertaining to LGBT people), I'm not sure what else
can be accomplished for this case. The issue with legislators is to
let them know that there are members of their constituency who support
sexual orientation/gender identity issues. I spoke with John Huppenthal
(one of my state reps), and seem genuinely interested, although he
finished the meeting by politely telling me he couldn't "just go
around trashing societal norms."
I think that the more varied voices that the legislature hears regarding
these issues, the better progress will be made. And I think it makes more
of a difference if people who don't have a vested interest are the ones
lobbying -- someone who is supportive of gender identity issues, yet
doesn't know anyone that is transgendered, would likely make more of an
impact than me going in and doing the same thing.
GS: Do you mean help people understand the constructed nature of gender roles
or something else? What are your suggestions?
think it's a twofold issue. One is certainly based upon the standard
binary gender roles that everyone is expected to conform to. The other is
transsexuality itself. Certainly, the substance of these issues run far
deeper than I can possibly try to get at in one interview, but I'll try.
If we look back to the mid-50s when "men were men and women were
women" (as it has been said), we can see the stark dichotomy of
gender roles. Men worked in an office, found cars and sport to be
interesting, and had little to do with child rearing. Women, on the other
hand, were the homemaker, doting on their husband, raising the kids, and
not concerning themselves with any of those "male things" like a
Today, much of those gender stereotypes are still held by society, albeit
in a far more subtle manner. In some facets of society, adherence to
gender stereotypes is not subtle at all. I've read more than one, in
literature put forth by the Religious Right folks, about how men need to
be men, and women need to be women. One even went so far as to say
"Without a male role model who will teach a young boy how to work on
cars or play sports?" As though a woman couldn't do that?
The other aspect of this would become apparent when someone changes their
sex. This is quite a bit more difficult to qualify, yet easier to
understand. Men have a penis fixation, and a male-to-female transsexual
makes real all their fears about what's going to happen to "little
willy." Basically put, it's castration anxiety. Most males can't even
begin to fathom why someone would want to get rid of their penis, but to
people like myself, it becomes a daily insult and is a physical deformity
that needs to be gotten rid of. I think that more than a few women are
just as confused about the whole thing, but come at it from a different
angle. Typically, these types of women are the soccer moms who stay at
home (or maybe hold a part time job), and focus their lives on being a
good wife. To them, they see men as the bread winners, and women as the
caretakers. They ask "why would a man want to give up all the
privileges associated with male power?" The reality is that they've
fallen into the trap of believing those same stereotypes.
Either way, for both men and women, I think almost all of their discomfort
emanates from the physicality of sex -- the penis and vagina -- as though
those are the only components of sex that mean anything. People like to
feel comfortable that they know what they need to know in life. They don't
like to have to reassess something that has always been so concrete to
them. The whole concept of understanding the mechanics of transsexuality
causes us to have to rethink *everything* that we've ever taken for
granted about sex. Filling out a form? What choices do you have for sex?
Male and female. That's it. No intersexed. No hermaphrodite. No
transsexual. No alternatives.
natural function of Nature is through diversity. Carl Jung best
expressed this by stating that the 'statistical mean' is simply that, and
can only be arrived at through proper deviation in opposite directions.
Additionally, he also stated that the 'statistical mean' does not
represent any particular, empirical instance. He clearly illustrated
this by the example of deriving a 'statistical mean' from a pair of
bi-polar opposites. The 'statistical mean' represents neither
subject adequately, and is not beneficial to either subject at all.
A 'statistical mean' is nothing more than a singular representation of
quantifiable data and says nothing about the subjects which comprise the
sample set . . . Kate Bornstein, in her book Gender Outlaw,
discusses how she has frequently asked the question, 'What constitutes
being male or female?' In response to this questions, she has never
received a definitive answer to the question -- for every answer, there is
an instance that nullifies it." (Rebecca Kastl, "The
Concept of Gender.")
GS: You have mentioned that you are wary of feminists and even queer
activists because many times they may not be accepting of the transgender
community. Why do you feel this is true? Do you feel that feminists
ought to be working more closely with the queer community to achieve true
gender equality that allows people to express their gender any way they
choose? Would you ever self-identify as a feminist?
RK: Lots
of questions all wrapped up in one:
* I personally am wary of feminists and queer activists for a variety of
reasons. One of the most notable oppositions is due to the enactment of
"womyn only" spaces, or "womyn born womyn" spaces (as
has been seen with the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival). This, IMHO,
almost equates to the same "blinders on" bigot approach used by
the social conservatives who want to define everything in very black and
white terms -- "You are not allowed to deviate!" Scary stuff.
But I do think that feminists have a point. There are those in the
transgendered community who, when transitioning, take the feminine
affectations to an almost comical extreme. They suddenly become very
flamboyant, exaggerated gestures, frilly clothes, etc. -- the worst
examples of the female gender anachronism. I myself am quite frequently
embarrassed by it. Why can't I, as a transsexual woman, still run around
in jeans and T-shirts when I want to be comfortable?
As a transsexual, once we have transitioned, there is no reprieve -- we
cannot escape ourselves now as transitioned transmen and transwomen any
easier than we could escape ourselves when we were living the life of a
wrongly gendered person. When we go out each day, we are who we are.
A step backwards for a rest or reprieve is a step backwards in the name of
progress. Because of that, we need to find comfort in the identity
that we present to the world each day." (Rebecca Kastl, "To
Pass Or Not To Pass.")
Some queer activists, and many in the LGBT community (again generally)
have a very skewed understanding of exactly what it means to be
transgendered, or more specifically, transsexual. I've heard the theory
that male-to-female transsexuals are nothing more than gay men in denial
who change sex to make their lives more socially appealing. As absurd as
it sounds, there is quite a contingent that honestly believe this. On the
other hand, there is a lot of misunderstanding because the queer community
hasn't really embraced the transgendered community beyond garish drag
queens (e.g., Ru Paul) and bad camp. Again, I think it comes down to
education. There's a whole "gay passing as straight" concept
within pockets of the gay community that I think really works against any
real progress. But that is entirely another issue that I won't deal with
here (at least not yet).
* I absolutely feel that the feminist community should be working more
closely with the queer/genderqueer community. Gender stereotypes -- in
this day and age -- are an anachronism that needs to die. I've written
entire editorials on this topic, and I will likely do another one soon,
just because you've asked me this question.
* Yes, I would and do identify as a feminist. Prior to my transition, I
never really understood the *real* pervasiveness of the "glass
ceiling" and the way that women are treated as inferior. I always
made it a point to treat people equally, but I was quite an asshole at the
time, so I basically just treated everyone mean. Once I finally came out,
got the monkey off my back (so to speak), and accepted myself, I was a 180
degree changed person. Now I can see that, while I may or may not have
made distinctions, men in general do. I've told more than one friend that
I'm astounded to learn that the "male stereotype" isn't just an
exaggerated joke, but is in fact true.
Now how does this relate to me being a feminist? Because I've always
believed -- with an idealistic honesty that borders on Don Quixoti-ism --
that anyone can be anything. I think it is deplorable that women are
taught to be secretaries and mothers, and aspire to what frequently
equates to slavery -- as I've witnessed with my older sisters. In my
opinion, the essence of a feminist is that women should be able to be
whatever it is they wish to be without having to sacrifice anything in
their perceived femininity. Maybe I'm missing some of the point
here, but I think that pretty much gets at the heart of it.
Surprisingly, being a "feminist" I still find reading Nietzsche
to be a fascinating experience even after reading the same book a 2nd or
3rd time. Nietzsche has been widely viewed as a misogynist.
For the most part, he didn't have a lot of good things to say about women,
but when placed into the context of his entire philosophy, it makes
perfect sense, and isn't misogynistic at all. Basically, Nietzche
saw women willingly accepting an inferior societal role, and in doing so,
manipulating their way through life by being pretty, attaching themselves
to men to give their lives meaning, etc. He saw the female
stereotype (of the 1880s) as a negation of the spirit and the self.
But today, people see unflattering remarks by him about women and think
that he was just a chauvinist -- which isn't true.
GS: Do you feel that the climate within the feminist/queer community(ies)
is/are changing? What else needs to be done to help change people's
RK: Yes,
I do think the climate is changing, albeit slowly. People are reluctant to
change their opinions, and sometimes even those who profess to have an
open mind are a bit resistant. What's more, I think that the concept of
gender is a little more fundamental to who we are -- like Jung's symbol
theory -- it's integral to our psyche.
GS: Do
you think that perhaps the reason that the feminist and queer communities
are so hesitant to accept transgender people is because gender play
destroys the sense of stability that the gender dichotomy has in people's
lives? Just the concept of gender play itself unsettles people because it
reveals the constructed nature of gender itself and demonstrates that all
gender performance is really some form of drag (to quote Judith Butler).
Do you think this lack of foundation is what causes people to stubbornly
hold onto these anachronistic ideas of what a man or a womyn is?
think so. For now, all I'll say is that the concept that that
foundation isn't as concrete as they once believed, and that causes them
to try ever more desperately to hold on to those ideas.
GS: Or, is it an attempt to "sanitize" the movements because we
don't like to deal with anything too radical or too messy? Kind of like
how Alice Paul and early radical first wave feminists were disavowed by
the more liberal groups because their hunger strikes were too radical.
Likewise, MLK condemned Malcolm X for being too radical and setting back
the black cause because he was calling for a revolution rather than simple
legal reforms. They made the more mainstream groups look bad and were
therefore detrimental to the movements as a whole (their words, not mine).
RK: Even
though I find myself occasionally falling into the radical activist, I try
to stay away from it. Example: I make more progress in helping people
understand transsexuality by simply being who I am and conducting my
apparently "normal" life, than I do by being "in your
face" and shoving things down people's throats (although there are
certainly times when I wish I could do that). My biggest pet peeve is
stupidity, and bigotry is the most vile form of stupidity.
think that any society considering itself to be 'intelligent' or
'enlightened' would have to agree that the more we learn, the more we may
be required to adjust our understanding of the world, and the more we
would have to relinquish our efforts to effect a controlling grasp of the
way the world works -- or at least to relinquish our efforts to make the
world work in the way we say it should." (Rebecca Kastl,
"It's All In Our Heads." Previously cited.)
